Sunday 14 June 2020

How to Plant Leeks

How Long to Keep / Best Way to Store Leeks — Fresh, Raw | - Your Ultimate Shelf Life Guide:
Leek culture
-Sow leeks indoors in late winter for fall harvest. Start more leeks in August for spring harvest.
-Grow them in soil that has plenty of compost and nitrogen.
-Don’t let leeks lack for water.
-Once leeks start growing, hill them up every 2 weeks to get more of the white part.

Watering well is important. I soak my beds twice a week. Leeks that suffer from lack of moisture grow unevenly, and have a stronger taste and pithier texture.

И здесь!
Sow: Staring sowing indoors in February.
Continue outdoors in April, 2cm deep.
Soil: Work in plenty of well-rotted manure the previous
Sun: Full sun.
Grow: Harden off well before planting out, when 20cm high.

Make a 20cm deep hole and drop the leek into it, watering gently. This 'blanches' the stem white. Water well until established and feed with nettle/seaweed tea every fortnight.
Harvest: From late summer through to the next spring. Leeks are tough and frost-hardy.
Problems: In hot weather, leaves can develop rust, which slows growth. Do not compost infected plants and practice good crop rotation. If Leek moth caterpillars start tunelling into leaves, net plants to protect them.
Use leeks near apple trees,
celery and
onions which will improve their growth.
Leeks also repel carrot flies.
Avoid planting near legumes (green beans, garden peas and field peas.)
- Лук-порей и морковь отгонют морковную муху. Избегайте посадки у бобовых.

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