Showing posts with label Louise Curley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Louise Curley. Show all posts

Friday, 4 November 2016

Cut Flowers.

- Cut Flowers | wellywoman

At first I did grow flowers in raised beds in my back garden, and then when I took on an allotment I decoded to devote two beds on the plot to cut flowers.
Each year I learnt which plants gave me the most flowers, which were easy to grow and which lasted the longest when cut.
Early spring is the best time to start growing cut flowers but there are still plans and projects to be getting on with.
It is sowing biennials in summer or hardy annuals in autumn it is choosing the right plants.

Planning a cutting patch:
- sweet pea
- dahlia
- corn flowers
- love-in-the-mist
They are disappointingly short lived.

Most cut flowers prefer neuteral soil PH7.

Shopping list:
1 dahlia karma choc
2 ammi visnaga
4 Sweet William (dianthus barbarous)
12 Sweet pea (Lathers ordoratus)
30 Narcissus Tate a Tate
2 Scabiosa atropurpurea 'Black Cat'
2 Cosmos bipinnatus 'Candy Stripe”
2 Daucus carota 'Black Knight'
6 biennial stock matthiola flower

Dahlia karma choc

Ammi visnaga.
- Ammi visnaga: 500 seeds - £1.95.
Sarah Raven: Seed-only orders have P&P charged at £2.50.

- Ammi Visnaga | Higgledy Garden: 500 seeds - £1.95
P&P charged First Class post: £2.00 (order £15 is free).

Sweet William (dianthus barbarous)

Sweet pea (Lathers ordoratus)

Narcissus Tate a Tate

Scabiosa atropurpurea 'Black Cat'

Cosmos bipinnatus 'Candy Stripe”
Everything you need to know about cosmos, the flower of 2016 | The Telegraph

2 Daucus carota 'Black Knight'

6 biennial stock matthiola flower
Brompton Mixed:
- Stock 'Dwarf Mixed' (Brompton Stocks) - Perennial & Biennial Seeds - Thompson & Morgan

- Annuals and Bbiennials -

Hardy annuals
Opium Poppy
Sweet pea

Half hardy annuals
Floss flowers
Blue lace flowers
Black eyed Susan

Biennials - Gillyflowers
- Stock flower info indicates there is a type of plant that’s actually named stock flower (commonly called Gillyflower) and botanically called Matthiola incana.
In areas without freezing winters, stock flower info says it may even perform as a perennial.
Stock flowers bloom from spring to summer, offering continuous blooms in the sunny garden when given the right stock plant care.
Growing stock is not a complicated project, but it does require a period of cold. The duration of cold needed as a part of stock plant care is two weeks for early blooming types and 3 weeks or more for late varieties.
the frugal gardener can plant seeds in winter and hope your cold spell lasts long enough. In this type of climate, stock flower info says the plant begins to bloom in late spring. In climates with winter freeze, expect blooms of growing stock plants to appear from late spring to late summer.

Brompton Mixed
Sweet Williams
Iceland Poppy

- Dahlia plant in early spring into large pots filled with multipurpose compost

Annual fillers
- Ammi
- Wild carrot
- Sweet Rocket
- Spurge
- Greater Quaking grass

- Gardens: how to grow your own cut flowers | Life and style | The Guardian

- Grow your own cut flower patch - in pictures | Life and style | The Guardian

- Creating a cutting garden - Saga

- Sow long: If you want a beautiful cuttings garden next summer, get those seeds in now | The Independent

- Late Summer & Early Autumn Sowing Of Hardy Annual Flower Seeds.

- The Higgledy Garden Shop | Higgledy Garden: P&P charged First Class post: £2.00 (order £15 is free).