Showing posts with label Runner Beans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Runner Beans. Show all posts

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

How to Dry and Store Scarlett Runner Beans.

How to Dry and Store Scarlett Runner Beans | Eartheasy Blog:

Great in stews all through the winter.
Eating the shucked beans
Scarlett Runner beans are usually eaten as fresh green ‘string’ beans in the pod. However, if you have a surplus of dried beans, they can be cooked and served in meals. These beans cannot be eaten raw.

To prepare the shucked beans for eating, first soak the dried beans in cold water for 12 hours. They are then cooked for approximately 2 hours, or until tender.
Beans harvested in autumn do not need be soaked and are soft and cooked in about 30 minutes. When using scarlet runner beans in salads, be sure to add some salt to the cooking water.

What to grow
- French beans,
- some varieties of runner bean,
- along with beans such as haricot,
- cannellini and the
- pea bean
- are all suitable for growing for drying;
you can even enjoy a limited harvest of fresh pods before leaving the remainder to mature and swell.
My favourites for sheer good looks are
- the borlotti beans – look out for Italian-named varieties such as ‘Lingua di Fuoco' (Fire tongue) and ‘Centofiamme' (100 Flames).
Another tried-and-tested variety for drying is runner bean ‘Czar' whose fat, creamy beans make excellent butter beans.
Explore the seed catalogues, most of which will have a small selection of beans specifically recommended for the dry treatment.
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Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Runner Beans.

How to Build a Bean Trellis for Raised Garden Beds | Eartheasy Blog:

Eat the Seasons | Runner Beans: "HISTORY Native to the cooler, high-altitude regions of Central America, runner beans have been known as a food crop for well over 2,000 years. They were brought to the British Isles in the seventeenth century by John Tradescant (gardener to King Charles I) and were grown as a decorative plant before being used as a food in Britain. Today they are a very popular food in the UK, Italy and Mexico, and are grown and eaten in each of the five continents."
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