Showing posts with label Javelin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Javelin. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Gardening calendar: chit potatoes.

Gardening calendar: chit potatoes and hug a houseplant - Telegraph: "You can sow your first crop of pea tips now. Visit your local greengrocer and ask for their empty polystyrene or wooden crates. Pierce some holes in the bottom – if needed – and fill with compost. Scatter the seed and put them anywhere cool, in good light, to harvest straight from there.

Onions, garlic and shallots are traditionally planted on the shortest day of the year, to be harvested on the longest, so planting sets anytime now is a good idea. Plant one set – or clove – per cell in a modular tray and put them in a greenhouse or somewhere bright but cool to get them off to a flying start. Plant out in early spring."
My - Pentland Javelin
This variety has white skin and white flesh. It is Soft with a waxy texture. This is a First Early variety. It matures later than most other first earlies, but the reward is usually a high yield. They can be left in and stored as maincrop if desired. Pentland Javelin is resistant to golden eelworm and scab.
I start chit potatoes: 15-01-2015
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