Saturday, 28 April 2012

How to start an allotment

River Cottage - Features - How to start an allotment - Channel 4: "Can I blag any freebies to get me started? Some of the more generous seed suppliers may offer you samples as an incentive and you can always look into joining your local Seed Exchange - a swap shop for seeds, seedlings and invaluable know-how between allotment keepers. Here are a few seed swap links:"

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Friday, 27 April 2012

Что растет на моем английском огороде.

Заглянула внутрь контейнера (это обычная пластиковая емкость из-под средства для мытья посуды), а там душистый горошек спрятался от холода!
Крыжовник укрыт сеткой от птиц.
"Поле чудес" - раз картошка, два картошка.

Картошка по мере подрастания укрывается соломой, точнее тем, что привозят на огород владельцы конюшен: использованную подстилку для лошадей, которая содержит: (подробности "not for the faint-hearted" и "squeamish" то есть Не для слабонервных) солому, навоз, мочу - все компоненты хороши для успешного роста плюс мульчирование, то есть сохранение влаги в почве.

И о погоде.

"Они" нас обогнали...

Friday, 20 April 2012


...то есть выгодная покупка!
Шесть пучков кориандра и укропа за £1.56 (£0.39 пучек!)
Но ведь это случается не каждый день, правда?!
Просто я оказалась в "нужный момент -в нужном месте" - распродажа!
Вопрос остается: Рационально ли содержать огород?
Для меня - Да! Лишь потому...потому, что я люблю это занятие!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

My allotment.

Мой огород сегодня.
Вот так растет ревень в темноте. Часть мы уже съели.
Он не выглядит столь мощным как хотелось бы.
Возможно потому, что он посажен только первый год.

Growing peas.

BBC - Gardening - Gardening Guides - Techniques - Growing peas:
"About peas Peas come in two varieties: shelling and mangetout. Shelling peas mature at different times. Earlies take around 12 weeks, second earlies take 14 weeks and maincrops take 16 weeks. Shelling peas come in round and wrinkle-seeded varieties. Choose round seeds for hardiness and early sowings, and wrinkled for sweetness and summer sowings. Peas require a sunny, nutrient-rich, moisture-retentive site. Dig over the soil and add plenty of compost or well-rotted manure - this will help to improve the soil's moisture-retaining ability in hot, dry summers."

Monday, 16 April 2012


Тысячелистник агератум - Achillea ageratum, Mace.

Тысячелистник агератум - Achillea ageratum
- на кухне. Веточки т. обыкновенного используем при засолке и мариновании огурцов, грибов, кабачков.
Горьковатые и терпкие на вкус листья и цветки добавим как приправу к жирным блюдам (гусиному жаркому, свинине, колбасе), в салаты в качестве специи - они приятно пахнут, и способствуют перевариванию пищи, и даже, говорят, помогают бороться с ожирением.

Кто-то, как Пульхерия Ивановна из гоголевских «Старосветских помещиков», высушенные веточки добавит в водку, которая мало того что приятна на вкус, но «если у кого болят лопатки или поясница, то очень помогает».
Когда-то пивовары заменяли тысячелистником хмель. И пиво, сделанное таким образом, по мнению Линнея, пьется легче.
Чай из тысячелистника, как считалось, помогал от меланхолии и вылечивал простуды и лихорадки.

Для лекарственных целей используют в основном т. обыкновенный, который собирают в момент цветения, в солнечные дни, когда он обладает наибольшей целительной силой. Отметился тысячелистник и в магии, использовался для гаданий, ворожбы и даже для наведения порчи (потому еще и дьявольская трава, игрушка дьявола). Эфирные масла, которые придают тысячелистнику специфический аромат, входят в состав отдушек для травяных ванн. Тысячелистник - прекрасный медонос.
Mace, English Achillea ageratum (decolorans)
English Mace forms clumps of narrow, aromatic leaves with white flowers in summer. A good culinary herb; use in soups, stews and potato salads, it is also great in chicken dishes and complements other herbs well. Height 5ins (14cm), 18ins (45cm) when flowering.

Achillea ageratum.
Also known as English mace, this aromatic perennial will grow almost anywhere, in any type of soil and looks statuesque in a large terracotta pot. Young tender leaves are best used in soups and for flavoring rice and pasta.
Height: 24–28 inches
Spread: 24–28 inches
Hardiness: Fully hardy plants
Soil Preference: Well-drained soil, moist soil
Sun or Shade: Full sun

Sunday, 15 April 2012

The Kingston Lacy allotments.

National Trust’s Kingston Lacy estate in Dorset: "Between February 2009 and 2012 we created 1,200 new allotments and growing spaces on our land.
A set of 118 new allotments for the community are now open on the Kingston Lacy estate in Dorset."

















That's how it should be.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

For lazy gardener.

Ethelind Fearon's The Reluctant Gardener.
The Reluctant Gardener, the short and easy ways to good husbandry, you can play with vegetables to save yourself work and avoid growing more than you need.
Gardening, like entertaining and cooking should be done with whimsy and joy.
Use of mulches and irrigation channels to conserve water (and effort), home-made liquid manures and she comes close to no-dig gardening.
You would be surprised how much of the grim toil undergone by the allotment holder is unnecessary.
a. That half the things you sweat over are better bought than grown.
b. The ones that are better grown can be grown much more easily than you thought.
and c. Quite a lot of them will serve two purposes, thereby cutting out one operation, one ache, one moan.

1. Don't toss the compost out the kitchen door!
2. Better to grow Welsh onions which have authentic onion flavour but are no hassle as they will grow anywhere and right through winter. Self-generating, when the clump gets too big you can split them which is why they are known as 'everlasting' onions.
3.Growing potatoes- a shortcut method.
- Dig a little so the delicate roots of the potato can 'run about'.
Cut out a trench, keeping the soil on one side and place the your seed potatoes on the floor of it.
Fill the trench with compost, and when the potatoes grow through, earth them up with the soil you dug out from the trench.
By growing them in 'soft luscious compost' you will get nothing but 100% perfect potatoes, and none 'baffled and battered' as they try to push through inhospitable soil.
4. Calabrese and turnips produce roots in summer and 'greens' in winter (though not from the same plant). There are ornamental kales, good to eat but which can be used for flower borders or arranging as 'widely used by our most famous decorators.
5. French beans are a case in point as they can be eaten as green beans (haricots verts), as flageolets (when they are eaten like fresh peas) and as dried haricots for winter.
6. Not a chemical control, but my Father used to have a lot of trouble with carrot root fly until he started using old coffee grounds a couple of years ago. He collects the spent grounds from the coffee shop in his local Sainsburys when he's shopping - just leaves them a clean bucket when he goes in and collects it, full of grounds, on his way out. Then liberally spreads the grounds round the carrot plants, it seems to work very well - now that I've got myself an allotment I'll be trying it too.

My neighbour gets a paintbrush and splashes (sprints?)* paraffin along the rows when he thins them out.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Beans: How to grow

Beans: How to grow - Telegraph:

 "earliest sowing date outside for French beans is May 15. To speed things up, I put both runner and French beans on a damp kitchen towel in my warm kitchen and keep it moist. After a few days, the seeds swell before producing a tiny shoot. I then sow these in the ground (about two inches deep) or in polystyrene plant modules in a cold frame.
They sit outside my sunny, sheltered back door for about five days before they are finally planted out next to the canes.
 'Celebration', a rosy-pink flowered variety from Thompson & Morgan - are the most decorative varieties"
We planted our beans outside straight into the ground today, we did the same last year and had no problems.
Я посеяла сегодня в землю на огороде.
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