Tuesday, 27 December 2016
Lovage: A big plant with an even bigger flavor:
"Lovage is not one of the Mediterranean herbs, happiest in dry, lean earth.
It loves the rich, organic, moisture-retentive soil of my garden.
About now, the leaves are starting to yellow as the plant puts all its effort into making seeds.
Gardeners who treasured the leaves above all would have cut it back at this point to encourage ones to grow.
But by doing so they'd miss the chance to harvest the seeds.
These, too, have a celery taste and aroma, and since lovage leaves do not dry very well, the seeds are an excellent medium for keeping the flavor year-round.
When the tiny fruits start to open, cut bunches of the seed stalks and hang them upside down in a paper bag to collect the seeds.
Dried and ground, they can be tossed into anything as a seasoning, and are a traditional addition to baked goods such as muffins, biscuits, cakes and breads."
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
All about my mother.
All about my mother | Life and style | The Guardian
Dominic Murphy talks to three high-profile gardeners and their mums about what they've learned from each other.
And what they've rejected...
Dominic Murphy talks to three high-profile gardeners and their mums about what they've learned from each other.
And what they've rejected...
Monday, 5 December 2016
Однолетние цветы, однолетники.
Однолетние цветы, однолетники. Названия, фото | ЗАГОРОДНАЯ ЖИЗНЬ (CountrysideLiving.net):
Для экономии времени и усилий я выращиваю только те однолетние цветы, которые не требуют никаких особых хлопот и цветут долго, некоторые — почти все лето.
Это петуния, анютины глазки, пеларгония, алиссум, вербена, календула, настурция, лобелия, мак, бархатцы (тагетес), нигелла, незабудки, фуксия, васильки.
Для экономии времени и усилий я выращиваю только те однолетние цветы, которые не требуют никаких особых хлопот и цветут долго, некоторые — почти все лето.
Это петуния, анютины глазки, пеларгония, алиссум, вербена, календула, настурция, лобелия, мак, бархатцы (тагетес), нигелла, незабудки, фуксия, васильки.
Friday, 2 December 2016
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