Friday, 2 April 2021

High potash feed

All plant foods (fertilisers) have printed on their packs the proportion of N, P, & K that are in the packs.
N stands for Nitrogen,
P stands for Phosphorus (phosphates) and
K stands for Potassium (or potash).

7:7:7, this being a balance fertiliser, 10:5:3: a plant growth feed
5:5:12 is a high potash feed or Potash Fertiliser.

Just a note on Tomato Feed: 
They are very high in Potash (K) and initiate flowers and then tomatoes but tomato feed is also high in nitrogen (N) for growth. 
The high N is to balance the very high K (potash) which is very import for tomatoes, this means it can be too ‘strong’ for other plants. 
If you would like to use it for other plants dilute it by 50%.

Nitrogen encourages green growth, Phosphates (phosphorous in soluble form) is essential for healthy growth and good for roots, Potash (potassium in soluble form) not only produces more flowers and good fruit but also, makes plants tougher and resistant to diseases and pests.

Last of all, if you feed too much with high N or balanced feeds you may stop flowers forming (why would they need to flower? They are happily growing away). 
If this is the case stop using these feeds, water with plain water for a week or two & then feed with the high potash food.