Gardens: to-do list for June | Dan Pearson | Life and style | The Observer: "Gardens: jobs to do in June"
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Friday, 29 April 2011
Comfrey (rich in potash) or nettles (rich in nitrogen).
I use comfrey in three ways.
The first is simply to add it to the compost heap, where its nutrients will both enrich the whole heap and encourage decomposition. Comfrey has a high carbon to nitrogen ratio - ideal for most plants.
The second way is to spread the leaves as a mulch beneath, say, your tomatoes. This acts like any other mulch - slowing down evaporation of moisture and suppressing weeds - but because the leaves rot quickly, it also enriches the soil where the surface roots are.
Comfrey as a mulch - avoid using flowering stems as these can root.
I use comfrey in three ways.
The first is simply to add it to the compost heap, where its nutrients will both enrich the whole heap and encourage decomposition. Comfrey has a high carbon to nitrogen ratio - ideal for most plants.
The second way is to spread the leaves as a mulch beneath, say, your tomatoes. This acts like any other mulch - slowing down evaporation of moisture and suppressing weeds - but because the leaves rot quickly, it also enriches the soil where the surface roots are.
Comfrey as a mulch - avoid using flowering stems as these can root.
5 Uncommon Herbs for Your Garden. Comfrey.
Simply soak a one part comfrey leaves to three parts water, let sit for a week and strain the rich tea. Use it as you would any liquid fertilizer for your tomatoes, cucumbers, squash or root crops. In fall, as the flowers die down, cut the plant completely back and chop it up. Add it to your compost where they’ll add a rich store of essential minerals.
5 Uncommon Herbs for Your Garden: "5 Uncommon Herbs for Your Garden"
5 Uncommon Herbs for Your Garden: "5 Uncommon Herbs for Your Garden"
Monday, 25 April 2011
Saturday, 23 April 2011
A 'potager'...(огород-с фр.).
The Parc Floral of Haute-Bretagne.
The garden is situated not far from Fougeres, north-east of Rennes.
What are Potager Gardens.The garden is situated not far from Fougeres, north-east of Rennes.
Potager gardens combine the utilitarian nature of the English kitchen garden with the style and grace of French fashion. It is basically an ornamental vegetable garden. Plants are chosen for both their edible and ornamental natures and are put together in such a way that it looks pretty while still providing food for the household.
'Potager' - это сад и огород в одном лице. У тебя есть сад, которым ты можешь наслаждаться и... питаться."
Потажер – это участок, на котором совместно выращивают овощи и цветы.
С целью сделать функцию обеспечения продовольствием эстетичной.
Потажер - объединяет утилитарный характер английского огорода со стилем и изяществом французской моды.
Ботанический сад или Парк растений Верхней Бретании, Франция. (Parc floral de Haute Bretagne). |
Это всего лишь салат! |
A 'potager' allows you to have your garden and eat it.
Designing a Potager Garden.Vegetable Garden Types.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Укроп, dill
Лучшие предшественники укропа — овощные культуры, под которые вносили органические удобрения(навоз, компост).
Сеют укроп весной (апрель — май) и летом (июнь) в несколько сроков, чтобы бесперебойно иметь свежую зелень до глубокой осени.
Всходы укропа появляются довольно поздно — на 14—18-й день после посева.
Укроп сеют на грядах на расстоянии 15—20 см между рядами и на 1—2 см семя от семени в ряду.
Глубина заделки семян 1—3 см (на тяжелых почвах мельче, на легких — глубже).
Чтобы ускорить их прорастание, весенние посевы следует укрывать светопрозрачной пленкой. Как только появятся всходы, пленку немедленно убирают.
укроп это однолетнее растение , а фенхель двулетнее.Если осенью фенхель выкопать и отправить на хранение в погреб , а на будущий год снова посадить , вырастет съедобное утолщённое корневище
Сеют укроп весной (апрель — май) и летом (июнь) в несколько сроков, чтобы бесперебойно иметь свежую зелень до глубокой осени.
Всходы укропа появляются довольно поздно — на 14—18-й день после посева.
Укроп сеют на грядах на расстоянии 15—20 см между рядами и на 1—2 см семя от семени в ряду.
Глубина заделки семян 1—3 см (на тяжелых почвах мельче, на легких — глубже).
Чтобы ускорить их прорастание, весенние посевы следует укрывать светопрозрачной пленкой. Как только появятся всходы, пленку немедленно убирают.
укроп это однолетнее растение , а фенхель двулетнее.Если осенью фенхель выкопать и отправить на хранение в погреб , а на будущий год снова посадить , вырастет съедобное утолщённое корневище
Rotation plan
A good four-year rotation plan is Pots, Legs, Bras and Roots, or
Year 1 - potatoes;
Year 2 - peas and beans (legumes);
Year 3 - the cabbage family (brassicas) and
Year 4 - roots.
It recommends that you divide crops into four main groups as follows:
Legumes: French beans, peas, runner beans, broad beans
Root vegetables: radish, carrot, potato, onion, garlic, beetroot, swede, sweet potato, shallots
Leafy greens: spinach, chard, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach
Fruit-bearing: tomato, sweetcorn, cucumber, squash, pumpkin, courgette, aubergine
Year 1 - potatoes;
Year 2 - peas and beans (legumes);
Year 3 - the cabbage family (brassicas) and
Year 4 - roots.
It recommends that you divide crops into four main groups as follows:
Legumes: French beans, peas, runner beans, broad beans
Root vegetables: radish, carrot, potato, onion, garlic, beetroot, swede, sweet potato, shallots
Leafy greens: spinach, chard, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach
Fruit-bearing: tomato, sweetcorn, cucumber, squash, pumpkin, courgette, aubergine
Sandy soils. Grow suitable crops.
Good vegetable crops for sandy soils will include all of
- the carrots,
- beetroot,
- radishes,
- parsnips,
- garlic and
- the early salad crops of lettuce and the like.
Potatoes early crops are ok, but maincrop potatoes will need added bulky manures to keep the soil moisture levels high for good production.
Brassicas generally, runner beans (Early French Beans are ok) Celery, and Rhubarb are best not grown on sandy vegetable plot soils. They all need too much regular moisture for suitable growth.
- the carrots,
- beetroot,
- radishes,
- parsnips,
- garlic and
- the early salad crops of lettuce and the like.
Potatoes early crops are ok, but maincrop potatoes will need added bulky manures to keep the soil moisture levels high for good production.
Brassicas generally, runner beans (Early French Beans are ok) Celery, and Rhubarb are best not grown on sandy vegetable plot soils. They all need too much regular moisture for suitable growth.
Monday, 18 April 2011
Thursday, 14 April 2011
The best way to sow parsnip seeds.
The best way to sow parsnips:
One technique is to sow along a half-inch deep drill in the soil and then thin out to one plant every six inches.
The other is to sow three seeds at a time every six inches and later thin the seedlings to leave one parsnip at each station.
One technique is to sow along a half-inch deep drill in the soil and then thin out to one plant every six inches.
The other is to sow three seeds at a time every six inches and later thin the seedlings to leave one parsnip at each station.
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