A Few Organic Tips! - UK Veg Gardeners: "1) Get rid of Whitefly,Greenfly,White butterfly...
Boil up 7 or 8 leaves of rhubarb, then let them cool down. Add 2 gallons of water and then just spray on Whitefly, Greenfly,Roses and even for butterfly eggs on the Brassicas!
2) To get rid of Wireworm,Vine Weevil, etc......
Make holes in the bottom and sides of a tin can. Then insert a cut potato and suspend it on a stick through the holes. Bury it under the ground in the bed. The pests will pick up the smell of the potato. Burn the potato when ful of worms!
3) For Tomato Blight...
Steep Horsetail..(you can find this on the side of the road)...in water and then just spray on the tomato plants!
4) Homemade Weedkiller....
Vinegar....1 litre
Wash Up Liquid.....a good squirt.
Do NOT add water, and if want to make it stronger.....just heat it first! "
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