Thursday, 20 September 2012

Book. Gifts from the Garden.

Love and a licked spoon: book and blog.
Love and a Licked Spoon is written by Debora Robertson, food writer, editor, passionate home cook and chaotic gardener from north of London.
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Monday, 17 September 2012

Square Foot Gardening at Orbit Irrigation

Square Foot Gardening at Orbit Irrigation: "What is Square Foot Gardening?
Square foot gardening is an innovative approach to traditional single-row gardening.  At its basic level, square foot gardening consists of a 4′ x 4″ raised planter with 16 units. 
Each square foot unit is used to plant a different crop. 
This system takes less work, is easy to maintain, wastes less water and materials (such as seeds), and yields plenty of crops.
For tips on how to set up your own square foot garden, click here."

Sunday, 16 September 2012

50 Best Seed Merchants and Catalogues.

50 Best Seed Merchants and Catalogues | Gardeners Tips:

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How to grow herbs.

How to grow herbs | Thompson & Morgan: "How to Grow Herbs"

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Tagetes lucida is Mexican mint Marigold or hot-weather tarragon

All the Dirt on Gardening: Tagetes lucida is Mexican mint Marigold or hot-weather tarragon:

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Edible Flowers Guide.

Edible Flowers Guide | Thompson & Morgan: "Edible Flowers Guide"

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Growing Tagetes and Seed Collecting.

Growing Tagetes and Seed Collecting | Gardeners Tips:

How to grow the herb Tarragon

How to grow the herb Tarragon: "French tarragon cannot be grown from seed  as it reverts back to the Russian tarragon, so it needs to be propagated from cuttings. If you are growing tarragon from seed therefore your only choice is Russian tarragon. This is a pity because French tarragon has a superior flavour. If you want to grow French tarragon, buy a small plant from your local nursery."

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