Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Planting Ideas for Pathways.

Planting Ideas for Pathways | "Fragrant Pathways Accent the spaces around brick walkways and between flagstones with plants that have a pleasant scent. Herbs like creeping oregano and woolly thyme release refreshing, spicy odors when they're crushed underfoot. The zesty scent of Corsican mint, a non-aggressive variety of low-growing mint with tiny leaves, adds an invigorating air to a stroll through the garden. Set lilies and other sweet-smelling perennials beside a pathway, where there fragrances can be appreciated as you pass by."

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Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Мои почвопокровные многолетние растения.

Фиалка лабрадорская недавно была реклафицирована как Фиалка Ривиниуса / Viola riviniana /Viola labradorica 'Labrador Violet' - (названа в честь немецкого естествоиспытателя)- многолетник, цветет с апреля по июнь - сине-голубо-фиолетовыми цветами, высота 8-20 см, распространяется семенами, которые рассеиваются из коробочки при её растрескивании и затем разносятся муравьями - размножаются самосевом.

Scotch Moss

Scotch Moss:

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How to Plant & Care for Scotch Moss |

How to Plant & Care for Scotch Moss |

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How to Grow Organic Blueberries

How to Grow Organic Blueberries: "How to Grow Organic Blueberries in Your Garden"

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Do-It-Yourself Soil Test

Do-It-Yourself Soil Test: "How To Test Soil Acidity/Alkalinity without a Test Kit"

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How Can I Make My Own Soil PH Test?

How Can I Make My Own Soil PH Test? - Yahoo! Voices - " How Can I Make My Own Soil PH Test?"

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Thursday, 20 September 2012

Book. Gifts from the Garden.

Love and a licked spoon: book and blog.
Love and a Licked Spoon is written by Debora Robertson, food writer, editor, passionate home cook and chaotic gardener from north of London.
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