Plant combinations
Grow French marigolds among tomatoes. Marigolds emit a strong odour that will repel greenfly and blackfly.
Grow sage with carrots or plants in the cabbage family to ward off pests. Both have strong scents that drive away each other's pests.
Plant nasturtium with cabbages - they're a magnet for caterpillars that will then leave the cabbages alone.
Garlic planted among roses will ward off aphids.
Plant carrots and leeks together on the allotment or vegetable patch to protect against a number of pests. Leeks repel carrot fly and carrots repel onion fly and leek moth.
Make sure companion plants are planted at the same time as your edible crops to prevent pests from getting a foothold.
Ten plants to try
Asparagus - prevents microscopic nematodes from attacking the roots of tomatoes
Chervil - keeps aphids off lettuce
Chives - onion scent wards off aphids from chrysanthemums, sunflowers and tomatoes
Coriander - helps to repel aphids
Dill - attracts aphid eating beneficial insects likes hoverflies and predatory wasps
Garlic - deters aphids and is particularly good planted with roses
Tansy - strongly scented plant deters ants
Plants in the pea family - lupins, peas, beans and sweet peas benefit the soil by taking nitrogen from the air and storing it in their roots
Yarrow - this boosts vigour in other plants and accumulates phosphorous, calcium and silica, which can benefit homemade compost when plants are added to the heap. It attracts many beneficial creatures such as hoverflies and ladybirds
Grow French marigolds among tomatoes. Marigolds emit a strong odour that will repel greenfly and blackfly.
Grow sage with carrots or plants in the cabbage family to ward off pests. Both have strong scents that drive away each other's pests.
Plant nasturtium with cabbages - they're a magnet for caterpillars that will then leave the cabbages alone.
Garlic planted among roses will ward off aphids.
Plant carrots and leeks together on the allotment or vegetable patch to protect against a number of pests. Leeks repel carrot fly and carrots repel onion fly and leek moth.
Make sure companion plants are planted at the same time as your edible crops to prevent pests from getting a foothold.
Ten plants to try
Asparagus - prevents microscopic nematodes from attacking the roots of tomatoes
Chervil - keeps aphids off lettuce
Chives - onion scent wards off aphids from chrysanthemums, sunflowers and tomatoes
Coriander - helps to repel aphids
Dill - attracts aphid eating beneficial insects likes hoverflies and predatory wasps
Garlic - deters aphids and is particularly good planted with roses
Tansy - strongly scented plant deters ants
Plants in the pea family - lupins, peas, beans and sweet peas benefit the soil by taking nitrogen from the air and storing it in their roots
Yarrow - this boosts vigour in other plants and accumulates phosphorous, calcium and silica, which can benefit homemade compost when plants are added to the heap. It attracts many beneficial creatures such as hoverflies and ladybirds