Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Turning the tables: Nigel Slater in his garden.

Turning the tables: Nigel Slater in his garden | Life and style | The Observer:

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Monty Don in his kitchen.

Turning the tables: Monty Don in his kitchen | Life and style | The Observer:

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Broad beans.

Today we have sown directly into the soil in February for harvests as early as May.
Broad beans usually take anywhere from 7 to 14 days to germinate.
‘Aquadulce Claudia’: A large, very hardy longpod cultivar for autumn or early spring sowing.
And Radish French Breakfast.
Amongst the beans I put in some radishes
This fast-growing catch crop will mature before the Broad Beans grow big and block out their light.
I'll wait at least another couple of weeks - perhaps 3 or 4 - before sowing my next lot of Broad Beans.

BBC - Gardening - Gardening Guides - Techniques - Growing broad beans:
- These Aquadulce Claudia were sown mid November./charles_dowding/
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Monday, 18 February 2013

What to do in February.

- Broad beans – if you didn’t sow your broad beans before Christmas, starting them outside now can help ensure they grow strong and healthy.
You probably won’t get a huge yield of broad beans from a container (you really need lots of space to get a good crop) but I love them so much I can’t resist growing a few.
- Potatoes and carrots can, in warmer places (not where I live), be sown outside now if you can protect the tender shoots from frost with a cloche or a fleece.
What to do in February:

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Sunday, 17 February 2013

Календарь садово-огородных работ в феврале.

Сельдерей — высадка на грядку 20 мая (после возвратных заморозков) в возрасте 60-80 дней (плюс 9 дней на всходы).
Сажаю рассаду 15 февраля

Сельдерей черешковый — высадка в грунт 20 мая (после возвратных заморозков).
Посадка на рассаду 15 февраля

Лук-репка из семян — высадка на грядку 1 мая (холодов не боится) в возрасте 50-60 дней (плюс 5 дней на всходы) .
Посадка семян на рассаду 24 февраля

Лук-порей высадка на грядку 1 мая в возрасте 60-70 дней (плюс 10 дней на всходы).
Посадка на рассаду 1 марта
Календарь садово-огородных работ в феврале | Я в деревне: "Календарь работ на февраль"

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Thursday, 14 February 2013

A Secret Garden: Fanciful Topiary in the Berkshires.

A view looking into the parterre garden. The polished orbs ornamenting the clipped Chamaecyparis (common name: false cypress) are safety mirrors (like the kind people put at the end of driveways). In the background are clipped hydrangea standards.

A closeup view of a bluestone bed, taken in early spring, after it has been planted with different lettuces and mescluns. Bamboo poles stand ready for beans.
A Secret Garden: Fanciful Topiary in the Berkshires Gardenista:
"To everyone in town, an old Greek Revival was known mainly for being inhabited by the Eldridge sisters, a pair of spinsters who had moved back home in 1918. Not nice spinsters either—kind of mean. When Matt Larkin was a boy, their big German shepherd liked to bite him as he biked by. Then he grew up, married, bought the place, and re-imagined the garden from scratch:

It has been 18 years since Larkin and his wife Lainie Grant, who are interior designers, moved into the rundown house that sits square in the middle of four overgrown acres in Richmond, Massachusetts. "It was April when we bought it, and there was a 1909 Glenwood cast iron stove, one bathroom—which didn't work—a single light bulb hanging in the hall upstairs to light four bedrooms, and a wrecked greenhouse," says Larkin. "So, basically, it was a blank canvas."
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