Отвары ботвы томатов против вредителей - Средства защиты растений - GreenInfo.ru:
Натуральные инсектициды и удобрения
Ботвой картофеля и помидор мульчируют приствольные круги деревьев. И сорняк она глушит, и вредителей запахом отпугивает. И даже если ботва больна на деревья это повлиять не может. У картошки и помидор общих болезней с яблонями, грушами или сливами нет...
Пасынки от томатов срываю и в бочку с золой и луковой чешуей и поливаю рассаду.
Спрей из томатных листьев
Эффективен при борьбе с тлей, хлопковой совкой, а также капустной молью. Замочите на ночь два стакана измельченных томатных листьев в двух стаканах воды. Утром необходимо процедить настой через марлю или мелкое ситечко, после этого добавить в него еще два стакана воды. Получившуюся смесь вполне можно использовать для борьбы с вредителями в саду. Спрей из томатных листьев отличается слабовыраженной токсичностью, поэтому соблюдайте меры предосторожности – храните состав вне досягаемости для домашних животных и детей..
Спрей с острым перцем
Возьмите 6-10 стручков острого красного перца и поместите их в блендер, добавьте два стакана воды и хорошенько перемешайте. Далее смесь необходимо перелить в стеклянную чистую емкость и на ночь оставить для настаивания. Утром процедите получившийся настой через марлю, разбавьте одним литром воды. Получившимся средством необходимо опрыскивать растения один раз в неделю или после дождя. Работайте со спреем в перчатках, так как он очень жгучий и смыть его с рук будет достаточно сложно.
Кофейная гуща
Вы любите кофе? Не выбрасывайте кофейную гущу. Она может с успехом применяться не только как скраб для лица и тела, но и в качестве высококачественного удобрения. Добавляйте использованную кофейную гущу в компост и ваша почва обогатится азотом и некоторыми полезными микроэлементами.
Применение золы: удобрение и средство от вредителей
Травяные закваски для подкормки растений
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Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Monday, 22 July 2013
Огородные подсказки.
После томатов и картофеля хорошо растут капуста, огурцы, кабачки, тыква, бобы, горох, чеснок, свекла, салат, морковь, петрушка, сельдерей, укроп.
На месте огурцов, кабачков, патиссонов можно выращивать редис, капусту, свеклу, лук, чеснок, горох, бобы, помидоры, картофель.
Морковь, укроп, петрушку, сельдерей должны сменить лук, чеснок, бобы, горох, картофель, томаты.
После бобов и гороха можно сажать все культуры.
После лука и чеснока также можно высаживать все, кроме самих этих культур.
На месте огурцов, кабачков, патиссонов можно выращивать редис, капусту, свеклу, лук, чеснок, горох, бобы, помидоры, картофель.
Морковь, укроп, петрушку, сельдерей должны сменить лук, чеснок, бобы, горох, картофель, томаты.
После бобов и гороха можно сажать все культуры.
После лука и чеснока также можно высаживать все, кроме самих этих культур.
New and interesting veg.
New and interesting veg | Life and style | guardian.co.uk:
Also known as the snow or sugar pea, mangetout are a flat-podded variety of pea, eaten whole while the peas within are still very small – hence the French name, which means ‘eat everything’.
Crisp and sweet, they can be served raw, or lightly steamed, boiled or stir-fried.
And here!
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Also known as the snow or sugar pea, mangetout are a flat-podded variety of pea, eaten whole while the peas within are still very small – hence the French name, which means ‘eat everything’.
Crisp and sweet, they can be served raw, or lightly steamed, boiled or stir-fried.
And here!
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Growing Sweet Potatoes
Growing Sweet Potatoes:
From Tuber to Sweet Potato Vine
Sweet potatoes are grown from rootable cuttings, often called slips.
If you've never grown sweet potatoes before, it can be great fun to grow your own slips from small or medium-size sweet potatoes purchased at the market.
Sweet potato plants are not hardy so you will need to grow them on in warm, frost free conditions for 3 weeks or more until they are established.
Sweet potatoes require high temperatures of 21-26C.
Plant sweet potatoes 30cm apart, leaving 75cm between each row.
One sweet potato will produce between three and five slips.
This process takes about six weeks, so there is no need to hurry.
As the shoots, or slips, grow to 15 cm long, they can be broken off and transplanted to the garden, or to containers if outdoor conditions are too cold.
As long as the soil is kept lightly moist, the slips will develop roots and start growing within two weeks. Six weeks after that, the sweet potato vines will explode with growth and cover the ground with dense foliage.
Even the fastest-maturing sweet potato varieties should be allowed to grow for 90 days before you start looking for harvestable roots.
It is also important to dig sweet potatoes before soil temperatures cool too much.
Fresh sweet potatoes need to be cured for two to three weeks in a warm place.
During this time, wounds to the skin heal over, and the flesh becomes sweeter and more nutritious.
This process continues after curing, during the first months of storage at cool room temperatures, so stored sweet potatoes that are eaten in winter are often the best ones of the year.
From Tuber to Sweet Potato Vine
Sweet potatoes are grown from rootable cuttings, often called slips.
If you've never grown sweet potatoes before, it can be great fun to grow your own slips from small or medium-size sweet potatoes purchased at the market.
Sweet potato plants are not hardy so you will need to grow them on in warm, frost free conditions for 3 weeks or more until they are established.
Sweet potatoes require high temperatures of 21-26C.
Plant sweet potatoes 30cm apart, leaving 75cm between each row.
One sweet potato will produce between three and five slips.
This process takes about six weeks, so there is no need to hurry.
As the shoots, or slips, grow to 15 cm long, they can be broken off and transplanted to the garden, or to containers if outdoor conditions are too cold.
As long as the soil is kept lightly moist, the slips will develop roots and start growing within two weeks. Six weeks after that, the sweet potato vines will explode with growth and cover the ground with dense foliage.
Even the fastest-maturing sweet potato varieties should be allowed to grow for 90 days before you start looking for harvestable roots.
It is also important to dig sweet potatoes before soil temperatures cool too much.
Fresh sweet potatoes need to be cured for two to three weeks in a warm place.
During this time, wounds to the skin heal over, and the flesh becomes sweeter and more nutritious.
This process continues after curing, during the first months of storage at cool room temperatures, so stored sweet potatoes that are eaten in winter are often the best ones of the year.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Why gardening makes you HAPPIER!
Why gardening makes you HAPPIER: It can ward off depression, improve your mood and make you feel life is more worthwhile | Mail Online:
- Gardeners are less likely to display signs of depression
- Poll found 80 per cent of gardeners feel satisfied with their lives
- Only 67 per cent of non-gardeners feel the same way
Gardening falls into this category - it is good for both mental and physical health, and all social and age groups benefit. It provides a dose of nature.
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- Gardeners are less likely to display signs of depression
- Poll found 80 per cent of gardeners feel satisfied with their lives
- Only 67 per cent of non-gardeners feel the same way
Gardening falls into this category - it is good for both mental and physical health, and all social and age groups benefit. It provides a dose of nature.
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Wednesday, 17 July 2013
I sowed today
- Pea Douce Provence is a compact growing variety that only reaches a height of 45cm.
Seeds germinate 7-10 days.
- Chicory, Radicchio “Palla Rossa 2” -“Red ball”
It’s a perennial, so you once you establish your plants, you can harvest your radicchio for many more years.
Days to germination: 6 to 10 days
Days to harvest: 60 to 80 days
There are three different types of chicory 'forcing' chicory, red chicory or radicchio and 'non-forcing' chicory. 'Palla Rossa', or sometimes called 'Palla rossa Zorzi Precoce', is a radicchio with a delicate, tangy flavour. It is best planted later in the year as it colours better in cooler weather.
It’s a leafy salad green, and not related the radish even though the names are similar. Radicchio is also sometimes called Italian chicory to further complicate things, though it is closely related.
For a second fall crop, you can start another batch of seeds about 8 to 10 weeks before you expect to get the first frosts of winter
Don’t flood the plants.
Once they go to seed (bolt), the leaves will almost immediately get too bitter to eat..
- Cucumbers - Cucumis sativus.
Time between sowing and harvesting 12-14 weeks.
Seeds germinate 7-10 days.
- Chicory, Radicchio “Palla Rossa 2” -“Red ball”
It’s a perennial, so you once you establish your plants, you can harvest your radicchio for many more years.
Days to germination: 6 to 10 days
Days to harvest: 60 to 80 days
There are three different types of chicory 'forcing' chicory, red chicory or radicchio and 'non-forcing' chicory. 'Palla Rossa', or sometimes called 'Palla rossa Zorzi Precoce', is a radicchio with a delicate, tangy flavour. It is best planted later in the year as it colours better in cooler weather.
It’s a leafy salad green, and not related the radish even though the names are similar. Radicchio is also sometimes called Italian chicory to further complicate things, though it is closely related.
For a second fall crop, you can start another batch of seeds about 8 to 10 weeks before you expect to get the first frosts of winter
Don’t flood the plants.
Once they go to seed (bolt), the leaves will almost immediately get too bitter to eat..
- Cucumbers - Cucumis sativus.
Time between sowing and harvesting 12-14 weeks.
Sunday, 7 July 2013
Rat Tailed, Rat's Tail, Edible Podded Radish
Harvesting: 45 - 50 days to harvest.
Suggested Varieties:
'Rat's Tail' is the star of edible podded radishes. You may find seed that is simply labeled ‛Edible Podded' radish and it may have been some type of hybrid, but it should be very similar. ‛Munchen Bier' radish produces pungent pods as well as its long, white root.
Growing Tips:
Soil: Radishes like a faily neutral soil pH of around 6.0 to 7.0. Edible podded radishes are a bit more forgiving of soil because they are not forming underground bulbs.
Planting:There is little to be gained by starting 'Rat's Tail' radish seeds indoors. Wait until the ground has warmed, generally late spring, and direct seed about 1" deep. Thin plants to 18" apart.
These are sprawling plants with long, spindly stems. They will start to flop when the flowers open and really need some type of support to lean against. Unless your soil is very poor, you should not need any supplemental fertilizer. More important is regular water, at least 1 inch per week, especially while the pods are forming. Once the pods start forming. Keep them picked. Larger pods will get tough and unpalatable. If you keep harvesting, plants should continue to produce for 4-8 weeks. However to insure a long harvest, succession plant every 2-3 weeks.
If you plan to save seeds, do not let 'Rat's Tail' cross pollinate with conventional radish varieties.
Pests & Problems:
'Rat's Tail' is a quick grower and few pests attack the pods. Aphids can be a problem, but can be hosed off or controlled with insecticidal soap.
Harvesting: 45 - 50 days to harvest.
Suggested Varieties:
'Rat's Tail' is the star of edible podded radishes. You may find seed that is simply labeled ‛Edible Podded' radish and it may have been some type of hybrid, but it should be very similar. ‛Munchen Bier' radish produces pungent pods as well as its long, white root.
Growing Tips:
Soil: Radishes like a faily neutral soil pH of around 6.0 to 7.0. Edible podded radishes are a bit more forgiving of soil because they are not forming underground bulbs.
Planting:There is little to be gained by starting 'Rat's Tail' radish seeds indoors. Wait until the ground has warmed, generally late spring, and direct seed about 1" deep. Thin plants to 18" apart.
These are sprawling plants with long, spindly stems. They will start to flop when the flowers open and really need some type of support to lean against. Unless your soil is very poor, you should not need any supplemental fertilizer. More important is regular water, at least 1 inch per week, especially while the pods are forming. Once the pods start forming. Keep them picked. Larger pods will get tough and unpalatable. If you keep harvesting, plants should continue to produce for 4-8 weeks. However to insure a long harvest, succession plant every 2-3 weeks.
If you plan to save seeds, do not let 'Rat's Tail' cross pollinate with conventional radish varieties.
Pests & Problems:
'Rat's Tail' is a quick grower and few pests attack the pods. Aphids can be a problem, but can be hosed off or controlled with insecticidal soap.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Подумать о завтра.
На грядках пора сеять черную, маргеланскую редьки, репу, дайкон и кольраби. Желательно успеть до 15, а дайкон, особенно не крупноплодный может и до 25 потерпеть. Для осеннего и ранневесеннего потребления посеять лук батун, а еще лучше гибрид батуна с репчатым – зелени больше и перо нежнее. Обязательно посеять укроп, кервель и кинзу!
Каждый клочок земли, который высвобождается от овощных и зеленных культур – сразу же накрывать мульчей или засевать. Нет нужды в повторных посевах – сейте сидераты.
Каждый клочок земли, который высвобождается от овощных и зеленных культур – сразу же накрывать мульчей или засевать. Нет нужды в повторных посевах – сейте сидераты.
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