Monday, 24 March 2014

Лук. Шелуха не только яйца Красит.)

Садовое обозрение - Лук. В нём и шелуха ценна:
И так. Рецепт прост: литровую банку заполнить шелухой лука (не набить, а довольно рыхло сложить), залить кипятком, накрыть крышкой и настаивать 3-4 часа. Затем процедить, разбавить дождевой или талой водой 1:5 и использовать для полива и опрыскивания рассады и растений. Этим же настоем стоит промыть листья комнатных растений, предварительно счистив пыль.
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Садовое обозрение - ... и 3 корочки хлеба:
Размочите в ведре с теплой водой корочки хлеба, лучше если это будет дрожжевой и смесь пшеничного и ржаного. Хорошо, еслихлеб побудет в тепле сутки.
Затем размшайте его до состояния кашицы и вылейте под каждый куст пиона.
10-ти литрового ведра (на него 2-3 горсти сухарей) должно хватить на 5-6 кустов.
Делать такую подкормку нужно только в теплую погоду, а не накануне засморозков.
Ну а когда на пионах появятся бутоны еще в стадии горошины - время подкормить растения настоем золы  и коровяка.
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Sunday, 23 March 2014

Which are the best rhubarb varieties to grow?

Which are the best rhubarb varieties to grow? - Telegraph:
1 ‘Valentine’ for good taste and looks
Where to buy: DT Brown

2 ‘The Sutton’ for best flavour
Where to buy: Ashridge Nurseries, Chris Bowers

Three good varieties
3 ‘Victoria’ best looking

4 ‘Timperley Early’ best for forcing
This is one of the earliest varieties and a good choice for forcing if you want tender rhubarb in March and April.
Where to buy: Crocus, Thompson & Morgan

‘5 'Livingstone’ an autumn cropper
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Thursday, 20 March 2014

Sarah Raven's 10 Tips for Growing a Kitchen Garden.

Ask The Expert: Sarah Raven's 10 Tips for Growing a Kitchen Garden: Gardenista:
Following are Sarah's top ten tips for bounty, ease, and good looks in your kitchen garden:
1. Grow as much of what you like as possible. Clear as big a space as you can and think about maximum productivity per square inch.

2. Skip the fancy frills. A vegetable patch divided by mini hedges, potager-style, means more work and less food. Rows of boxwood will encourage slugs and snails, and perennial weeds tangle themselves around the roots. Instead, try edible edging: rows of hardy alpine strawberries and nasturtiums will do the trick.

3. Combine ornamentals and edibles. In an unexpected partnership, Mustard 'Red Giant' mixes with Tulipa 'Compassion'. Bonus tip: green-flowered tulips are more perennial than the standard colored ones.

4. Layer. Sarah planted this area near the drive more than a decade ago, greatly reducing labor while keeping the bed full over a long period.
Perennial artichokes mix with bulbs and tubers in three layers: dahlias in trenches at the lowest level; Allium hollandicum 'Purple Sensation' (£8.50 for three plants) plus earlier and later allium varieties in the middle level; artichokes at the top level. The artichokes shown here are a mixture of 'Green Globe', Artichoke 'Violet de Provence' (£1.95 for 30 seeds), and Artichoke 'Gros Vert de Laon' (£1.95 for 30 seeds).

5. Grow edible flowers all year. The following can all be harvested in the UK in winter and early spring: Pot marigold (Calendula officinalis 'Indian Prince', Above, £1.95 for 125 seeds), viola, polyanthus and primula. Conversely, vegetables such as kale are not just for eating. Green and purple kale look great in flower arrangements and are a good foil for flowers in an ornamental border.
N.B.: For further tips on kale in flower arrangements, see Required Reading: The Surprising Life of Constance Spry.

6. Plant the unusual. Planting heirloom or heritage varieties in unusual colors—including the purpleFrench Bean 'Blauhilde' (£1.95 for 25 seeds) and the yellow 'Rocquencourt'—is proof to the world that you've grown them yourself. As is the size: greengrocers and supermarkets providing mainstream produce often sell vegetables harvested after they have grown too big. Beans taste better when they are younger and smaller and, it goes without saying, fresher.

7. Sow heavy croppers. Tomatoes, zucchini, and beans all produce abundantly. Salad leaves also crop more heavily if you cut and come again. Start cutting non-hearting lettuce such as Mizuna or Oak Leaf lettuce at one end of a row and by the time you get to the other end, you can start again. Harvest by twisting off leaves around the edges: don't bulldoze the whole plant.

Avoid gluts. Too much, then too little, leaves bald patches in the garden. Successional sowing of salad leaves every few weeks, for instance, will ease this pattern of feast or famine. Succession planting can also be applied to beans and peas.

9. Build good bones. Raise your vegetable patch to another level in the middle as well as around the edges. Teepees, arches, and walkways in Sarah's small (and private) kitchen garden at Sissinghurst greatly increase the growing space in a smallish area. They can be covered in sweetpeas followed by the cup and saucer vine (Cobaea scandens) or morning glory. A sturdy arch will support squashes and zucchini.

10. Don't grow everything. Tricky plants such as celery are best bought, as are mainstream vegetables including cabbage, parsnips, and main crop potatoes. This still leaves plenty to choose from as Sarah Raven demonstrates.

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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Spring/ sown.

sown - 19 March/

* Coriander confetti

* coriander calypso

* coriander

* Chervil, or French parsley

* Dill

* Marjoram - perennial

* Parsley - plain leaved2

* Florence fennel bulbs

* Lovage

* Basil— Genovese, sweet basil- 6-8 weeks from sowing.

* Nice 'N' Spicy

* Swiss chard ‘Bright Lights’ Harvest the leaves from 10 weeks

* Pea Seed 'Douce Provence' Early variety - 8 weeks

* Beetroot 'Cylindra'

* dwarf french bean - A Brief Guide to Growing French Beans

* Physalis - cape gooseberry

* chicorée radicchio

* onion - spring

* Spring Onion - Crimson Forest

Monday, 17 March 2014

Nice 'N' Spicy.

Herb Culinary Collection Nice 'N' Spicy Seeds by T and M - Crowders:
Salad Rocket, Red Giant Mustard, Green Wave Mustard, Miluna

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Basil 'Sweet' ('Sweet Genovese')

Basil 'Sweet':
1 Plant Genovese basil in a sunny location that receives six to eight hours of direct sunlight a day. Basil will tolerate less light but typically prefers at least six hours of direct sunlight.
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2 Space basil seedlings 10 to 12 inches apart in rows or group them for a mass planting. Some prefer to interplant basil with tomatoes.
3 Pinch out the growing tips on Genovese basil when the seedlings are 4 to 6 inches high. This forces the plant to send out new growth along the stem and creates a dense, compact plant. Continue to pinch the basil plant back every few weeks to prevent blooming. Otherwise, flavor will be reduced, as blooming robs the plant of the volatile oils responsible for flavor and fragrance.
4 Water deeply once or twice a week -- moistening the soil to the root level -- or whenever the soil feels dry 1 inch below the surface. Although basil tolerates dry soil, even moisture is preferred.
5 Apply water-soluble fertilizer designed for vegetables two or three times during the growing season. Once at planting time, again by early summer and a final application in mid- to late summer provides the nutrients basil needs. Overfertilization causes rapid plant growth but also reduces flavor.
6 Mulch around basil plants with a 2- to 4-inch layer of leaves or pine needles to conserve water, prevent weeds and keep the foliage clean.
7 Harvest Genovese basil as soon as the leaves are large enough to use.
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