Wednesday, 1 July 2015

My allotment.

"На юго-западе Европы установилась аномальная жара. Столбики термометров зашкаливают!"
Ага, сегодня было +29, завтра обещают за 30!
Мы у моря и если не торчать на солнце, то вполне даже ничего!
Вечером я даже поехала на огород на велосипедике.
Так что прогуляемся по огородику в часы заката и в преддверии грозы!

Мона́рда, лат. Monárda - bee balm, horsemint, oswego tea, bergamot.

Вся ягода укрыта сеткой от птичек, панорамный снимок сделать сложновато.

Кудрявая капуста, или Кале.

Кабачок. Салатный горошек.

Оно сидело на моем пути и игнорировало меня. Время охоты, а тут всякие на великах!

Не могла проехать мимо такой красоты! Розы цвета заката.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Малиновый чай.

И НА МАРСЕ БУДУТ ЯБЛОНИ ЦВЕСТИ... - Баня для ... малины
Я уже давно не кручу по одной, времени много отнимает.
Держу секунд 5 в дуршлаге, над кипящей кастрюлей, потом высыпаю на доску и мну все сразу, как тесто.
Потом складываю лепешками и на ферментацию.

ферментация и сушка чая. особенности видов чая : производство чая :: чай


How to grow an amelanchier lamarckii.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Rhubarb Garden Spray.

How to Make Rhubarb Garden Spray: 5 Steps (with Pictures):
Rhubarb doesn’t just taste delicious, the leaves of the plant can also provide a natural pesticide for your garden.

- "Dilute. The solution should be diluted 1 part solution and 9 parts water; in other words, add 9 litres / 2.3 gallons water to create the spray."

Using Rhubarb Pesticide
Use this pesticide for controlling aphids, slugs, caterpillars etc that crawl on the leaf of your decorative (non edible) plants.
As mentioned, do not use this pesticide on edible crops.
Though a good wash may remove the poison, I would not recommend testing it.
And a reminder not to use it if you have dogs who may lick or chew the plants you are spraying.

Rhubarb Spray
1 cup rhubarb leaves
6.5 cups water
¼ cup liquid dish detergent or soap flakes
'via Blog this'

How To Make a Garlic Braid (illustrated)

Bloomingfields Farm Garlic - - How To Make a Garlic Braid (illustrated) - -: "Garlic Braid "

'via Blog this'

Slug and others. Garlic Spray

Ruin the meal
If a very determined slug has reached your hosta or young sunflower, make sure you sorely disappoint them by serving up a garlic-tastic dish.
Garlic Spray
- Crush the cloves from two garlic bulbs into a saucepan of boiling water,
- add chilli powder,
- and leave to simmer (with the lid on and the windows open) for half an hour.
Decant into a spray bottle, and spray all over your plants. This spray also works as an insect repellant for other plants such as roses. Research has shown that slugs hate the scent and taste of garlic oil and will leave their prey well alone.

chemical free home made pesticides

rhubarb leaves can be used either as a cure or prevention for blight (I'm not sure which) he said to soak the leaves in water and then dilute 20:1, but he didn't say whether to spray before the blight strikes or when it is present, is this an old wives tale, or has anyone else tried it or even heard of it?