Sunday, 11 August 2019

Quick crops 
from seed

Beetroot ‘Chioggia’
​Kohlrabi ‘Azure Star’
Pak choi ‘Rubi’
Lettuce (cut-and-
come-again types)
Chard ‘Bright Lights’

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Growing Advice: Tackling Sandy Soil With Different Green Manures

Growing Advice: Tackling Sandy Soil With Different Green Manures

Monty Don: Rosa moyesii 'Geranium'.

- Monty Don: Hip hip hooray | Life and style | The Guardian

"I have two groups of five bushes of the plain species Rosa moyesii and a solitary R moyesii 'Geranium'.
Both have wonderful single crimson flowers that speckle large upright bushes in a curiously scattered but deeply satisfying distribution. (One of my annual treats is to crawl behind one of the large clumps of the moyesii when in full flower and peer back at the garden through the veil of delicate leaves and blood-red flowers, seeing the world for a moment through that particular mirror.)
I grow them for the flowers alone, but the rose man I respect more than any other, Peter Beales, says, in his book Classic Roses (£40, Harvill), that,
'It is undoubtedly the fruit that makes this rose and its hybrids so popular.'
Last year it fell short on flowers - so, of course, no hips.
But this year it flowered beautifully, so I waited for the fruits with baited breath.
Two. Just two hips are there, and two are not enough to make 'this rose and its hybrids so popular'.

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Early climbing French bean

Climbing French beans come in round-podded and flat-podded types, but ‘Eva’ is between the two.
Its pods are oval, about 25cm (10in) long, and is not only one of the earliest of all varieties but it’s also one of the heaviest croppers.
One plant produces almost a kilo (2.2lb) of beans, partly because it is resistant to three different virus diseases.

- Bean feast! Climbing, dwarf or runner, knowing how to plant beans - and what to plant them with – is the secret to a bumper harvest, says Monty Don | Daily Mail Online

Wednesday, 3 July 2019 Premier Seeds Direct Premier Seeds Direct

My allotment.

Nothing grows this year except berries and flowers.
Because I came here only in June and the grass grew to my waist so I fought with the grass.

How To Grow Thyme (Step-by-Step)

How to do it
The method for crack planting depends on which plants you want.
Chamomile 'Treneague' and named varieties of thyme will not come true from seed, so buy a few plants and split them (unless, where the chamomile's concerned, you buy small plug plants that are ready to be pushed into gaps).
I have found it impossible to find Corsican mint seeds, too, so split that as well.

Splitting need not be difficult, because these plants naturally run across the surface of compost and root as they go, in effect creating lots of small plants that need to be severed from each other.
Water thoroughly first, then tip the plant out of its pot and look across the surface to see that the stems are rooted into the ground.
If they are, snip the plant into sections, each with a bit of stem and a bit of root (you may need to chop off the bulk of the roots first, but they should grow back).
Push the pieces into your cracks and pack around them with compost before watering well and continuing to water frequently.
Some will take; others will die.
Expect some losses.

For my own back path I'm going straight and true (and cheap) with a packet of pink-flowered creeping Thymus serphyllum seeds.
With seeds, the cracks must be prepared first: pour on a fairly fine and lump-free compost and brush it in.
Then sprinkle the seeds along the cracks, water in, and remember to water every few days in dry weather until the plants are established.
- Gardens: plants for cracks | Life and style | The Guardian

- How To Grow Thyme (Step-by-Step) - - BBC Gardeners' World Magazine

- Great Varieties of Thyme to Grow - BBC Gardeners' World Magazine