Sunday, 1 December 2019

Gardening advice.

If you haven't got anything growing in a plot over winter then put a light covering of leaves over the top and then cover with either cardboard or weed fabric.

When spring comes the worms will have taken a lot of the leaves down into the soil and it will be weed free.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Brexit Vegetable Growing Survival Kit £24.99 each including P&P

- Brexit Vegetable Growing Survival Kit £24.99 each including P&P
Carrot Short
– Easy to grow even in heavy soil.
Stagger sowing.
Eat fresh, freeze, juice. High in fibre and Vit K, Potassium and antioxidants.
Sow Mar – Jul 1cm depth Harvest till Sep

Lambs Lettuce (Corn Salad)
– Easy to grow, resists the cold. Nutritional. Good source of beta carotine and Vit A.
Sow Feb-May and Jul to Sep 1cm depth
Harvest May-Aug and Sep to Dec

– 4 harvests possible per year. Full of Iron, minerals, Vit C and K.
Sow Feb-May and Aug to Oct 2cm depth
Harvest May-Jul and Sep to Dec

Broad Beans
– 2 Harvests per year. Dry or eat fresh. no saturated fat or cholesterol and contain a high concentration of thiamin, vitamin K, vitamin B-6, potassium, copper, selenium, zinc and magnesium.
Sow Feb-May and Sep to Nov 2cm depth
Harvest in Summer and Spring respectively

Cut-and-come-again Lettuce
– sow every 3 weeks for continuous harvest till first frosts. Calcium, potassium, Vit C and folate.
Sow Mar – Sep 1cm depth
Harvest May till Nov

Broccoletti – fast growing brocoletti, healthy and easy to grow. Vit K and C, folic acid and fibre.
Sow May-Aug 1cm depth
Harvest late Summer and Autumn

Kale – Completely winter hardy. Steam, boil, use in stews or soups.
Sow May to Jul 1cm depth
Harvest through the winter

Pea Dwarf – Two harvests, nutritional, can be dried or frozen. As a source of vitamin K, manganese, thiamin,copper, vitamin C, phosphorous, and folate, green peas offer a remarkable nutrition profile.
Sow Feb-Apr and Sep-Nov 2cm depth
Harvest late Summer and Spring respectively

Borlotto bean Dwarf – Shell and either dry or freeze. Use in stews, soups, casseroles. Very high potassium content.
Sow Mar-Jun 2cm depth
Harvest late Summer

French bean – Easy to grow. Beans mature at same time at same length so ideal for freezing. vitamins C and A, and minerals including iron, calcium and magnesium.
Sow Mar-Jun 2cm depth
Harvest late Summer

Bush Tomato – Source of vitamins and antioxidents. Can be dried or frozen or made in to sauces.
Sow Spring 1cm depth
Harvest Summer

– Can be stored through winter. Small culinary variety. The edible flowers are delicious in omelettes once the crown has been removed. Contains Vit A and antioxidants.
Sow Mar-Jun
Harvest Summer and Autumn


It is very easy to over complicate growing veg.
Plant them at the proper time and depth one fist apart in dirt and water them when dry.
You can grow them in garden soil or buy grow bags from your garden centre which are not expensive.
Try and plant them all in at least 60% sun, the tomato 75%.

SPRING - SOW Carrot, Lambs Lettuce, Lettuce, French bean, Tomato, Spinach, Pumpkin, Pea, Broad Bean, Borlotto bean.
Summer -SOW Carrot, Lettuce, Kale, French bean, Broccoli, Borlotto bean.
Autumn/Winter - SOW Lambs Lettuce, Spinach, Pea, Broad Bean.

Harvest all year.
In a protected space like a greenhouse or balcony you might be able to extend seasons.
Performance subject to conditions.

All Compost Test Results - Which?

- All Compost Test Results - Which?

Monday, 12 August 2019

How should I prune my Wisteria?

Pruning during the formative years: The idea is you train your plant to form a framework that will be there for many years. Want the fantastic rewards that a well-trained wisteria will give you? Follow these guidelines:

Allow your new shoots to grow in length, choosing a leader shoot to train as vertical, allowing shoots coming off this to be trained horizontally.
Shorten these shoots and the vertical by a quarter in November.
The following year, allow to grow in length to further extend the vertical and horizontal frame – sending new horizontal shoots as the vertical extends up.
By the end of season two you should have a basic frame. Pinch these back just a few inches (unless they have grown enormously, then prune harder).
Year 3, framework is ready to do annual pruning, now you have the frame.
Summer and Winter Annual pruning:

Every July/August new shoots arising from your frame will be pruned to 5-7 leaf buds. Cut immediately above a leaf, a follow up may be needed.

A second prune is done in the dormant season (January February March not during very cold spells), reduce your last prune of 5-7 to 2 buds; remove any dead wood. Prune previous seasons’ shoots – they might have extended growth on from the summer. The important thing is taking them back to 2 buds.

The next season’s pruning is the same.
So: summer prune is 5-7 buds; winter prune is 2 buds. However, things start to change here because the last year’s winter prune to 2 may produce two new shoots that you will then prune to 5-7 and in winter to 2, this all starts to form spurs, rather like apple trees do.

One last word
Missed the summer prune?
Shorten growth to 2 buds on your winter prune. Be aware it will be spaghetti, difficult to sort out.

Remember 2 buds - February. July 5 - 7 buds.