Sunday, 27 March 2011

Eat the seasons: rhubarb!

Rhubarb season typically runs between April and May, with cooler climates extended their seasons as long as into July, depending upon the weather.
Field grown rhubarb typically has a bright red color. The brighter the red color, the more pronounced and sweeter the flavor.
Sliced rhubarb can be frozen up to nine months.
Fibers from the stalk should be removed, via a peeler.
Cooking rhubarb in orange juice will reduce the rhubarbs acidity.
1 lb of rhubarb = 3 cups chopped = 2 cups cooked

The broad bean.

The broad bean falls into 3 main categories; longpod beans, shortpod beans and dwarf beans. The longpod beans have about 8 beans in each pod, the shortpod beans have 3-5 beans, and the dwarf varieties have 2-3 beans.
- the Aquadulce Claudia
- Longpod or Leviathan
Broad bean seeds should be placed 7 cm below the surface, in double rows at a spacing of about 15 cm. 
 The rows should be spaced 25 - 35 cm apart and should be set out well to allow for maximum drainage.
Another way of planting broad beans is to plant 2 seeds in each hole. That way, when the plants grow, they can support each other in windy conditions, and you will also double your chances of germination.

French Beans: Using a trowel, dig out drills 5cm (2in) deep and 30cm (1ft) apart - where more than two rows are being planted, allow sufficient space between every second row to allow you cultivate and harvest them - 1m (3ft) should be enough. 
French Beans have a germination rate of approximately 75% and for this reason should be sown thinly, one seed every 15cm (6in), to be thinned out to a final spacing of one seedling every 30cm (1ft) about 3 weeks after sowing. To be doubly sure, sow several seeds at the end of the row for filling in any spaces where the seed has failed to come up in the row. After sowing, water the bed well if conditions are at all dry.




Thursday, 24 March 2011

Every man should have an allotment...

Every man should have an allotment, hen pen and a shed to hide away from the daily troubles and strife.
In parts of the north it is still a very male preserve, but certainly in the south and London the numbers of women are increasing rapidly. When allotments began, the men did what was considered to be the hard work, like the digging and ploughing. The women stayed at home and did the cooking and the cleaning. All that has changed now. Women see these people and realise there is no reason why they can't carry heavy bags of sand, lift huge stones or get covered in mud. 

И о погоде...

View from your allotment.

Наши соседи по огороду:

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Monty's favourite fruit.

Raspberry 'Malling Jewel'

An early-fruiting raspberry that crops from the beginning of July, this variety bears firm, luscious, dark-red berries in small clusters. It also has good tolerance to virus infections.

Five to try

  • 'Glen Moy' - spine free canes, heavy crops in early summer
  • 'Glen Prosen' - firm fruit in mid-summer
  • 'Allgold' - yellow fruit in autumn
  • 'Malling Admiral' - conical, dark red fruit in late mid-summer
  • 'Autumn Bliss' - large red fruit in autumn

Strawberry 'Mara des Bois'

A cross between modern and wild strawberries, it has the advantage of fruiting from July to October, rather than just June and July. Berries are small, but tasty.