Tuesday, 11 September 2012

How to grow blueberries in pots.

Существуют три вида похожих ягод.
- Vaccinium Corymbosum - голубика (Amerikanische Heidelbeere) сорт, что выращивается в Английских питомниках, садах и садиках.
- Vaccinium myrtillus - черника
- Vaccinium uliginosum - голубика.

Vaccinium Corymbosum - "голубика высокая", "голубика высокорослая", "черника высокая", "черника высокорослая"- являются переводами английского общеупотребительного названия этого растения (highbush blueberry; следует учитывать, что английское слово blueberry может быть переведено на русский язык и как "черника", и как "брусника", и как "голубика"

В последние десятилетия развернулись работы по окультуриванию и циркумполярной голубики топяной, однако, если речь идет культуре голубики, то имеют в виду крупноплодную американскую голубику. Работы по окультуриванию местных видов голубики были начаты в США в начале прошлого столетия (работали с голубикой щитковой -Vaccinium corymbosum и рядом других видов). Первые сорта были переданы в производство в 1920 году. Выращивание голубики приобрело большое значение в Северной Америке, позволив вовлечь в использование земли, считавшиеся непригодными для сельского хозяйства. Позже культура американской голубики получила распространение в Европе.
From here!
They make good plants for containers so you can get a reasonable crop whatever the size of your garden,
simply grow blueberries in a pot containing ericaceous compost, giving the plants a high potash feed (such as tomato feed) occasionally during the growing season.
Leaving about 1.5m (5ft) gaps between them and mulch with a layer of acidic peat, wood chippings or pine needles, Chipped up pine tree or pine needles are ideal mulches.
Most blueberry plants will produce a small harvest by their 3rd year, but won’t really begin to produce fully until about their 6th year.
The only reliable way to know if blueberries are ready to pick is to taste one or two. Blueberries are their sweetest if allowed to stay on the plant at least a week after turning blue.

Note: Although blueberries are self-fertile, you will get larger berries and more of them if you have two different cultivars to cross pollinate.

Blueberries like a very acidic soil, with a soil pH in the rage of 4.0 to 4.5. They also like a soil rich in organic matter. In heavy clay soil, blueberries will fare better in raised beds.
You can mix some peat moss into your planting hole, so keep the soil loose, acidic and well-draining.
Water in well and be sure they get a deep watering at least once per week. Blueberries tend to be shallow rooted and need at least a couple of inches of water each week, more during dry spells.
Don’t fertilize your blueberries their first year.
You can use any fertilizer for acid loving plants, including blueberry food and azalea food.
Beginning in the 4th year, you’ll prune your blueberry bushes in early spring, while they are still dormant. Prune out any:

Dead or injured branches

Crossing Branches
Weak, spindly branches
It's possible to lower the pH levels of your soil with sulphur chips or dust. However, they'll need to be added three weeks before planting to take effect.
Soil pH is a measurement of the alkalinity or acidity of soil. pH is measured on a scale of 1-14, with 7 as the neutral mark, anything below 7 considered acidic soil and anything above 7 considered alkaline soil.
Julia, Augusta and Septa. July, August and September - info with them is that one is early, one mid season and one late.

Mr.Blueberry is constantly looking for new ways and concepts to make things as pleasant and easy as possible for the consumer. That’s why we introduced the Mr. Blueberry Longseasonmix two years ago. This Mr.Blueberry Longseasonmix includes three blueberry plants with fruit that ripens in consecutive periods. To avoid any confusion, we created new names for the three varieties:

JULIA: early ripening

AUGUSTA: mid-season ripening
SEPTA: late ripening

The names refer to the corresponding months. The Mr. Blueberry Longseasonmix will allow you to harvest from July through September after a few years: for the entire blueberry season! Of course, Mr.Blueberry created a handy package for Julia, Augusta and Septa. Presented in a triangular tray with a practical carrying handle in the middle, it’s easy to take along. The packaging also ensures your car will remain clean on the drive home from the store.

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