Showing posts with label my garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my garden. Show all posts

Friday 17 April 2020

My garden&allotment.




Lonicera caerulea/Honeyberry/blue honeysuckle/haskap/Жимолость (Lonicera)

Solanum tuberosum/Potato


Salvia officinalis/sage

Tree peonies

Tree peonies

Pelargonium - summer bedding plants often called "geranium".

Allium ursinum, known as wild garlic, ramsons, buckrams, broad-leaved garlic, wood garlic, bear leek or bear's garlic.

Euphorbia mellifera

Native British Bluebell 

Aucuba japonica

Quince treeя begins to bloom

A Room with a View

Saturday 15 September 2018

The first Quince.

The first Quince fruits in my garden - planted on OCTOBER 2011.
If you leave a quince on a sunny windowsill it will slowly release a
delicate fragrance of vanilla, citrus, and apple into your kitchen.
When you stew quince in sugar and a little water or wine, it becomes
not just edible but delicious - sweet, delicate, fragrant.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Rose "Pink Peace".

Medium pink Hybrid Tea.
Registration name: MEIbil
Exhibition name: Pink Peace
Bred by Francis Meilland (France, 1958).
Introduced in France by URS (Universal Rose Selection)-Meilland as 'Pink Peace'.
Hybrid Tea.
Pink. Strong fragrance. 58 petals. Large bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season.
Height of 3' to 5' (90 to 150 cm). Width of 28" to 4' (70 to 120 cm).

Saturday 7 June 2014

Daphne odora var. rubra or Red winter daphne.

Daphne/RHS Gardening: "odora"
 It is an evergreen shrub.
Daphnes are grown for their beautiful and intensely fragrant blooms which are usually produced in winter or spring.
They are best planted near paths and doorways or at the front of borders where it is easy to enjoy their heady fragrance when in flower.
Some have attractive foliage or berries as well.
Daphne odora is a slightly tender evergreen, surviving best in the south and west of Britain. Soil pH is not important, but all daphnes dislike heavy clay and winter waterlogging, and prefer soil that is free-draining and rich in humus. A leafy annual mulch is beneficial. Though not suited to containers, it will do fine in light shade and grows well in a woodland garden. Daphne odora is never cheap, presumably because it grows slowly, and care after planting involves patience. By cutting sprigs off as it flowers, you are doing all the pruning required.

Daphnes are deep-rooting and many, other than the smaller alpine species, may not thrive in containers.

Mock orange - The Scented Garden.

BBC - Gardening: Plant Finder - Mock orange:
Philadelphus (Mock Orange)
Philadelphus x virginalis 'Virginal' has attractive, white, double flowers with an outstanding fragrance in the late spring to early summer season on a 6 to 8 foot tall shrub.

Planting Instructions

Plant container-grown nursery plants from spring through fall. Prepare the garden bed by using a garden fork or tiller to loosen the soil to a depth of 12 to 15 inches, then mix in a 2- to 4-inch layer of compost. Dig a hole twice the diameter of the pot the plant is in. Carefully remove the plant from its container and place it in the hole so the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Carefully fill in around the root ball and firm the soil gently. Water thoroughly.
Mockorange benefits from regular renewal or rejuvenation pruning. The process typically involves removing one-fifth to one-third of the oldest and largest stems at ground level. Cutting the larger stems encourages vigorous growth from the ground, making the shrub full from the bottom up. Selective pruning also improves the shrub's flowering capacity by allowing more light to reach the interior of the plant.

The mock orange - Plants - Blog -
The large, white, deliciously fragrant flowers are what earns mock orange a place in the garden. This variety has double blooms that are produced in loose racemes from early to mid-summer. It is a deciduous, upright shrub that's fully hardy, but very vigorous, so needs to be given plenty of room to grow. The leaves are oval and dark green. To keep plants in shape, cut back shoots to a strong buds every year after flowering. On older plants, also remove roughly a quarter of the oldest branches each year to encourage new growth. To propagate, take softwood cuttings in summer or hardwood cuttings in autumn or winter.

Galium odoratum | Sweet woodruff.

Galium odoratum | Sweet woodruff/RHS Gardening:

A froth of tiny white flowers makes a very clean contrast against the whorls of emerald green leaves beneath. This little perennial forms a low carpet and although it spreads well, division is best done in autumn or early spring. It is also known as sweet woodruff, a reference to the sweet vanilla smell of the plant when cut and dried: it was once used as an air freshener and hung in bunches with clothes.

The beautiful sweet woodruff, Galium odoratum, is a shade gardeners delight. Fast growing, quick to establish, beautiful, white spring flowers and attractive foliage through to snow, this treasure is seldom bothered by pest or disease. Its dried foliage has a sweet scent that has been described as a fresh-cut hay and vanilla fragrance, and it is used frequently in potpourri. It even used to be used as the stuffing for the winter mattress!

Don't put this flower in the perennial bed unless you want to spend a good deal of time pulling it up in the spring; it will take over quickly unless confined by pots or tiles buried in the garden soil. However, if you want a beautiful underplanting for your shady shrubs, this is the plant for you. Pair her with hydrangeas or rhododendrons and she will be in heaven.

Best of all, place her in the woodland, along a path or at the edge of the trees and let her amble along her own way. Sweet woodruff prefers a slightly acid soil pH of around 5.0, and loves moist, well-drained soil in the shade. As with other woodland plants, she likes rich, humus with lots of organic matter and dried leaves. Plant her under deciduous trees with just a bit of filtered sunlight and she will bloom her best. But she's not picky, she will take some sun as long as she doesn't dry out, and she will even grow well in full shade.

In addition to shrubs and trees, interplant woodruff with tall spring bulbs such as daffodils and tulips, an old-fashioned, spring-blooming bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis), mid-summer's snakeroot (Cimicifuga racemosa) or a tall late-season perennial such as Ligularia dentata.

In the spring, cut back any old growth from the previous years to keep it full and healthy looking.

Sweet woodruff has a long herbal history for use in a variety of ailments, including liver problems and jaundice. A tea made from the leaves was used for stomach aches, and a poultice from the brewed, crushed leaves was applied to wounds to promote healing.

However, it is recommended very cautiously for internal use today. The Food and Drug Administration considers it only safe when taken in an alcoholic beverage, so its traditional use as an herb in May Wine is still okay. Many people flavor a bottle of white Rhine wine with a few of the crushed leaves overnight for a spring treat.

This plant has also long been used as an insect repellent, and it was scattered in sick rooms and root cellars to keep the air smelling sweet. Secure the dried leaves in muslin sacks and place in drawers, closets or the pantry. Or, sprinkle the dried leaves around the outside of windows and doors, and in your cellar.

You can also use woodruff as a natural plant dye; the leaves will produce a light brown dye, and the roots a light red (it is in the same family as madder) when used with alum as a mordant.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Slowly but surely...Медленно, но верно...весна идет.

Viola labradorica.

Нарциссы "Cheerfulness" - Бодрость (класс -Double) и пионы.

"Lady's mantle"/росятник/манжетка и клубника.

Глициния, яблоня, персик и груша.


Friday 20 July 2012

В любую погоду...мой сад прекрасен...whatever the weather!

Увы! Редкий день солнце!
...странное чувство ... мой сад был залит вечерним солнечным светом!

Saturday 9 June 2012

Пион молочноцветковый Ширли Темпл.

Долгожданный пион расцвел в моем садочке.
"Paeonia lactiflora Shirley Temple".

Травянистый многолетник

Махровый шаровидный цветок диаметром 18 см, очень плотный, при роспуске нежно-розовый, позднее чисто-белый.
Лепестки прямые выемчатые.

Период цветения: май-июнь (Поздний срок цветения. )

Обрезка: осенью после первых заморозков, когда листья пионов уже лягут на землю, их аккуратно срезают до уровня почвы