Plant tomato seedlings in spring for one of the best tastes of summer, fresh from your backyard:
I have the best way of growing small sweet tomatoes ever! (actually, I learned how from Jerry Baker)
So, it goes like this:
Dig a hole thigh-deep..yes, that deep! (about 20-24 diameter).
Cut a piece of 2" pvc pipe that once in the hole, still comes up to a comfortable height to stick the water hose in w/out having to bend over too far. (great for us w/knee problems!)
Leave in hole, at an angle (not straight up and down) Now, add 1/2 bag chopped corn cobs (from your local feed store)(no can do/find? use 1/2 of bag hay pellets---we're talking 50 pound bags) in the hole, leaving the pvc pipe in.
Now add 1/2 bag steer manure on top of chopped cobs, mixing the other 1/2 bag steer manure w/the dirt from the hole.
Add this mixture on top of what's already in hole, fill to top of, scoop w/hands, 3 holes in a triangle, (over the hole you've dug) for 3 tomato plants---making sure the holes are deep enough that roots are straight down, not curled.
Arrange the dirt to mound slightly away from plant's main trunk.
Taking 1/2 of a "hog panel" (from the local feed store), and using plastic zip ties, connect the 2 ends together (of just 1/2 a panel! Don't use both halves!)---which makes a big "cage". (share the other 1/2 hog panel or, if you are raising toms for profit, make another hole as above) Center middle of cage over the plants in hole.....carefully letting pvc pipe stick thru a square at correct height (Do not pull out!) .... using tent stakes, secure cage to ground. Now, for the amaZing part! Stick water hose in pvc pipe and turn on the water----ONLY until the water bubbles slightly on top of ground! STOP immediately!
Water ONLY down the pvc pipe! No more sprinklers! Every year I do this, I get thousands of the best tasting tomatoes----plenty to share!
This cage will be completly filled w/sturdy tomatoes---I'll try and post the pic showing that it gets 5 foot tall, and of course, no way can you fit your arms around half of the support cage. Once in awhile, you may have to help gently move a "limb" thru a hole in cage support.
Once a week, I add 2 TBL Miracle Grow in the pipe, b4 adding the water hose....remember----ONLY WATER UNTIL YOU SEE THE SLIGHTEST BUBBLING COMING TO SURFACE.
Water according to your local weather----a lil more in dry states, not as often in humid areas.
My cousin in Arkansas did this for the first time last year, and could'nt believe how many thousands of the best tasting toms she'd ever grown! (I live in the Columbia River Gorge, Oregon, just at the edge of where the evergreens stop and the desert starts)
Happy Gardening!
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