Sunday, 29 May 2011


" Alicante": купила сегодня для сравнения какие будут лучше для меня.
Хотелось бы попробовать:
- Black Russian
- Sungold (cherry tomato)
- ‘Golden Nugget’
- ‘Ferline’

Сегодня у меня
- Gardener’s Delight
- Marmande
- Ailsa Craig - Cordon (Indeterminate)
determinate tomatoes bear their crop all at once,
while indeterminate tomatoes bear fruit over the course of a season.

The best shape for tall (inderminate) tomatoes is a ‘cordon’ where the main central stem is encouraged and the large side-shoots are cut off or ‘pinched out’.

It’s also worth removing the growing tip from the top of the main stem in mid to late summer, since fruits produced after that will not have time to ripen.

When the plant has developed six or seven trusses of tomatoes (normally around July time), 'stop' the plant by breaking off the growing tip. If any more than seven trusses of tomatoes begins to develop, pinch them out to encourage the plant to produce good quality tomatoes rather than an abundance of low quality late-maturing fruit.

There are three different types of tomatoes to choose from.
- ‘Cordon’ varieties are grown as a single stem that needs support and the side shoots regularly removed.
Cordons: Stake each cordon plant and tie the tomato stem loosely to the stake at 30cm (12in) intervals.
Pinch out side shoots that develop where leaves join the main stem.
After 4 or 5 trusses have formed, remove the growing tip of the main stem, so the plant concentrates all its energy on developing the fruits to ripeness.
Cordon varieties include: ‘Gardeners Delight’ (small), ‘Sungold’ (small), ‘Cherry Belle’ (small), ‘Alicante’ (medium), ‘Ailsa Craig’ (medium) and ‘Dombito’ (large).

- ‘Bush’ varieties need no training, support or stopping.
- ‘Trailing’ types don’t need support or training and are good for tumbling from patio pots and hanging baskets.
Trailing: When grown in containers regular watering is the key to success. Try to keep the compost moist but not soaking wet.
Trailing varieties include: ‘Garden Pearl’ (small), ‘Tumbling Tom Red’ (small) and ‘Tumbling Tom Yellow’ (small).

Bush varities include: ‘Glacier’ (medium), ‘Roma’ (plum) and ‘Marmande’ (large).

All types: Start feeding all plants with Tomorite Liquid Concentrate after the first truss has set fruit and repeat at 14 day intervals. This plant food contains balanced nutrients, magnesium and seaweed extract to ensure good colour and full taste. Whitefly are the most serious pest problem. If your plants are attacked spray them with BugClear Ultra Gun! or BugClear Gun! for Fruit & Veg every 10 days.

Ailsa Craig - indeterminate, Upright / cordon varieties (vine).

Marmande- bush, heirloom/heritage beefsteak tomato which takes its name from the town of Marmande. Retaining ability to set fruit in cool regions, matures in 62 days from seedlings.

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